Page name: matt hardy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-24 00:42:55
Last author: The Rejekt
Owner: The Rejekt
# of watchers: 10
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President: [The Rejekt]
[juvi phase2.0(new poll)]
if u like Matt Hardy then this is the page 4 u when i get updates on Matt Hardy then u can get them here.

matt hardy pictures
matt hardy pictures 2
matt hardy profile
matt hardy banners

Members or as Matt Hardy calls them MFer's(Mattitude Followers):
1)[Shark Boy]
2)[kevin harvick_rocks]
3)[insert name here]
4)[Juvi Phase3]
5)[Uncle Kracker's Wife]

It all started when...
   Matthew Moore Hardy was born on September 23rd, 1974, to parents Claude G. and Ruby Hardy. Matt was joined in August of 1977 by his baby brother Jeffrey Nero Hardy, who would turn out to be Matt's only sibling. Matt and Jeff were extremely close growing up, and both of the boys were heavily involved in athletics, particularly baseball. Matt's first dream was to one day be a professional baseball player. When Matt first tuned in to professional wrestling, he realized a new dream--to be a professional wrestler. The combination of athletism, entertainment, drama, and storytelling had Matt hooked from the start.
  Matt and Jeff received a trampoline for Christmas in 1988, and started contesting "shoot" wrestling matches with themselves and friends. Later, Matt decided it would be fun to "emulate" the type of wrestling matches that he and Jeff had became such big fans of. Matt eventually built a makeshift ring around the trampoline and he and Jeff started having full-fledged wrestling events. Matt would even goes as far to have "storylines" and rent a camcorder from a local video store so they could record every big event. A local fair carney, Kenneth Morgan, contacted Matt and his crew about wrestling on some of his county fair shows. While working on the fair shows, Matt met a couple of full-time pro wrestlers who introduced him to the Italian Stallion.
  The Stallion booked guys to work WWE television events as extras, and gave Matt and Jeff their first opportunity to step into a WWE ring. The brothers were hooked, and Matt now knew what he was destined to do with his life. In the meantime, Matt bought a wrestling ring and started running his own shows under the ECWF--which would later become OMEGA. As time went on, and both Matt and Jeff perfected their craft, the brothers were signed to WWE developmental deals in March of 1998. Matt and Jeff went on to capture six World tag team titles from 1999 to 2001. Matt and Jeff have also been part of some of the most memorable tag team matches in wrestling history. The ladder, table, and TLC matches that the Hardy's were involved in will go down in history as trend-setting and business changing. In 2002, Matt ventured out on his own as a singles wrestler, becoming Matt Hardy, Version One, the Sensei of Mattitude.
   Matt Hardy V1 became one of the most entertaining characters in pro wrestling, and Matt was very successful as a singles wrestler. Matt has held the European Championship, the Hardcore Championship, and the Cruiserweight championship. During a feud with Kane, Matt suffered a possible career-ending injury which required complete reconstructive surgery on his left knee. While Matt was out injured, the "situation" with Edge and Lita went down, which led to Matt being released from his WWE contract. Wrestling fans rallied behind V1 and chanted "We Want Matt" across the world. Matt got involved in several outside projects while rehabbing, including creating The Matt Hardy Show. Matt invading RAW on July 11th, attacked Edge and was arrested by the New Jersey police.
   Matt has promised to return to the WWE and make Edge, Lita, and the WWE regret what they did to him.

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2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know it's right b/c it's the truth

2005-06-24 [insert name here]: Hey Matt Hardy is like the best wrestler of all time!

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know he is

2005-06-24 [Juvi_Phase3]: yeah he kicks ass

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: i know he does so do u want 2 join this wiki????????

2005-06-24 [Juvi_Phase3]: yeah sure

2005-06-24 [The Rejekt]: ok i'll add u

2005-06-25 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: can i join the wiki :(

2005-06-26 [The Rejekt]: yeah i'll add u 2


2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah he is

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: i'm not lol

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yes u r hott to

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: i am not lol

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yes u are

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: oh yeah i can c it now Mickey's hott@wiki

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah make one

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: no i'm not b/c it's not true and y would i make a wiki bout myself 4?

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yes it is true and that dude on my page made a wiki about himself so u can to

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: i don't want 2 though

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: y?

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: b/c i don't want 2 y don't u make it

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: ok i will

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: y i was j/k u don't know how 2 make 1 do u??????????

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yes i do lol i'm going to make it

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: y?

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: b/c u told me to lol

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: well then when r u gonna make this wiki then?

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: now

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: nu uh wat's it called?

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: y it has a password :P

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: just tell me plz?

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: it's not finshed thow

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: just tell me wat it's called

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: it's called Mickey's hott] it's not finshed it suck right now

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: ok i'll go look at it

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: ok

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: the page is empty

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: oop's hold on

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: y wat's wrong?

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: two thing i have to put the wiki were people can see it and i have to go change shirts i spilt drink on it the bad part about it what color the shirt is

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: well u don't have 2 make it anymore

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: well i am

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: just don't waste ur time on me

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i'm not wasting my time Mickey's hott

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: i'm not hott ok

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: u are hott

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: no i'm not i'm an ugly worthless guy ok

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: no ur not ok

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: yes i am ok

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: no ur not ok

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: w/e ok

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: ur hott ok w/e too

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: ur the only 1 that thinks that

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: how do u know

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: idk

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: see u don't

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: well

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: see i made a point

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: i guess u did

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: YAY

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: but do u know any1 that thinks i'm hott on et bsides u??????

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: these guys and my friend from school but she hasn't been on here in forever

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: who's ur friend from school? Does she have a pic?

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: no she's [rockqueen] dosen't have a pic her bf wan't let her put one up

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: y?

2005-06-27 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: because he's like that he a asshole

2005-06-27 [The Rejekt]: oh ok

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: Source: (Mike Johnson) -- WWE have asked Matt Hardy (who's no-compete clause ends on July 11th) to hold off from signing a contract with TNA for several weeks. This is because Vince McMahon knows that a Edge/Lita/Hardy feud would be big business so therefore WWE are seriously considering bringing Hardy back.

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: -- PWInsider also mention that WWE sent TNA a fax on Tuesday which, although not confirmed, they believe to be addressing Matt Hardy's WWE status.

2005-06-28 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: so there thinking about bring matt back

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: they r gonna bring back Matt

2005-06-28 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yay good

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: i know i can't wait

2005-06-28 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i can't either

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: i hope he comes back and beats the hell outta Edge and Lita

2005-06-28 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i do to

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: yeah that would b very cool

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea, I read that somewhere too, that WWE is going to bring Matt back... I read that a while ago... I can only hope that it's true, and that he agrees to return to WWE.

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: yeah i think he will return well that is wat i hope he does

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: He loves wrestling so much I don't see why he wouldn't come back to the bigger stage... but then on the other hand, he may need the break from the big WWE crowds, you know what I mean? Either way, I don't think the WWE's seen the last of Matthew Moore Hardy... (I may even be so bold as to say they haven't seen the last of Jeff either... but that's a LOOOONG way off yet.)

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: u never know b/c if Matt doesn't sign with TNA u might as well say Jeff is a free agent

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Exactly... you know as soon as those two get the chance of teaming up again they will... and I think they will stop at nearly nothing to team back up with eachother... their only problem right now is a bunch of legalities.

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: yeah i know that was the plan b4 Vince told Matt not 2 sign wid TNA b/c b4 Matt and Jeff were gonna team up in TNA and go after the NWA Tag Team Titles

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Right, that's why I say I don't think the WWE's seen the last of Jeff, because if Matt does go back to WWE, there's a descent chance that Jeff and WWE will EVENTUALLY get their issues taken care of and he may come back... it's a bit of a stretch, but it's possible and I truely believe it's going to happen. If not soon then at least later on down the road.

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: yeah i totally agree wid u

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I will be the happiest WWE fan alive on that day. ^_^ (Jeff always has and always will be my ultimate favorite wrestler, no matter wich federation/corporation he works for.) Then, when the Hardy Boyz are back in business, my Hardy Freekz wiki is gonna get finished. (I started it just before Jeff and WWE split ties)

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: is there anything on that wiki?

2005-06-28 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: No... I made the page, and reserved it for myself, and that's all I got around to doing. After I get all my other WWE related wiki finished I may do something with it, otherwise it will just have to wait. I do plan on working on it, I just have no idea when. HaRdY FrEEkZ FoReVeR is what it is.

2005-06-28 [The Rejekt]: that sounds like it's gonna b a good wiki

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yep... of course it will... perhaps if I get the time, I will at least upload some pics to it... maybe at least within the week. Some old ones and newer ones. some good pre-wwe days pics should be great for that wiki. ^_^

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: if u want i can send u some pics of Matt and Jeff just like i'm doin bout the Shannon moore wiki?

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I've got plenty of Hardy Boyz pics, but if you find any that you might think would suit the wiki better then go ahead. ^_^

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: ok i will

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: That's great! Thanks! ^_^

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: ur welcome so do u have any of the TNA Jeff????

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I have one or two I think. That's about it.

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: o i'll find the pics and send them 2 u and u can tell me if u have them or not ok?

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Alright, that'd be excellent.

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: ok i'll look 4 some 2morrow ok?

2005-06-29 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Alrighty then! Thanx! ~_^

2005-06-29 [The Rejekt]: ur welcome

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Hey, you'll have to let me know what happens on Raw this coming Monday too, because I won't even be home to watch it.

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: ok i will

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Awesome . . .

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: i'm at my cousin's house at the moment i'll find u some pics when i go home 2morrow ok?

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: That's fine... I have all kinds of old pics of bothe of them, a few pics of Matt after Jeff left, I have some pics of Jeff with PeroxWhy?Gen and BLS but, I don't have any from TNA except like maybe 1 or 2.

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: ok i'll find u some 2morrow then but i've never heard any of his bads songs b4 r they any good?

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yea, they're lyrics is pretty good, but they need to consider getting a different front man... like switch Shannon Moore and Jeff around...

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: Shannon Moore is in it?

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yep.

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: wat doeshe do or play lol

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Shannon is programmer and backup vocals... Jeff is lead vocals

2005-06-30 [The Rejekt]: i' gonna owoad some of their songs 2mrrow when i get 2 my house b/c i bet they r really good ain't they?

2005-06-30 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Like I said... the lyrics are good, but Jeff sholdn't be singing lead vocals... I love him to death, but he sux at singing.

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: o lol he does?

2005-07-01 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Yes... very badly. -.-

2005-07-01 [The Rejekt]: i couldn't find any song by them :(

2005-07-09 [pegasus1000]: You are missing his history.. You have to have what happened in Montreal

2005-07-09 [The Rejekt]: wat r u tlkn bout?

2005-07-09 [chaza1]: will some 1 put my name down on the members list plz

2005-07-09 [The Rejekt]: yes i will

2005-07-11 [chaza1]: thnxz


2005-07-12 [lenardo]: i know it awsome

2005-07-12 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah is is :)

2005-07-12 [The Rejekt]: yeah i liked it when he said WWE could kiss his ass

2005-07-12 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: yeah i did too

2005-07-12 [The Rejekt]: yeah i out cried when the arrested him lol

2005-07-12 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: ok lol

2005-07-12 [The Rejekt]: hey it's not funny but i liked wat he said 2 Edge and Lita but didn't i tell u he was comin back!

2005-07-12 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: i did too yeah i'm glad u were right :)

2005-07-12 [The Rejekt]: yeah i walked in and my cuz was like Matt Hardy is back and i was like no he ain't then when he showed me i was jumpin round the room

2005-07-12 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: lol i woke up the ppl the live next to me lol

2005-07-12 [The Rejekt]: i'll b back on in bout an hour b/c it's my cuz's turn on here so tty in a hr bye

2005-07-12 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: ok bye

2005-07-12 [The Rejekt]: i'm back 4 now

2005-07-12 [Uncle Kracker's Wife]: well i have to go see ya *hugs*

2005-07-12 [The Rejekt]: ok i'll ttyl bye *hugs back*

2005-07-15 [chaza1]: hiya

2005-07-16 [The Rejekt]: hey

2005-07-31 [kevin harvick_rocks]: wat's up?

2005-07-31 [The Rejekt]: watchin wrestling

2005-08-01 [chaza1]: yeah brock might b comin back him n vince have had meetings n stuff about new contract

2005-08-01 [The Rejekt]: he is gonna b @ SS

2005-08-22 [lenardo]: he wasn't

2005-08-22 [The Rejekt]: that pissed me off 2

2005-08-26 [chaza1]: did u seen at summerslam when matt hardy hit his head of the steal post i know that its fake but that i dont think was ment to happen because if u watch close then u see he dont put his arms in the way

2005-08-26 [The Rejekt]: it looked real

2005-08-31 [chaza1]: f**k that i pretty certain that it was pain ful to say the least

2005-09-02 [The Rejekt]: yea i know

2005-09-03 [Juvi_Phase3]: V1ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2005-09-03 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-09-17 [Shark Boy]: so watcha'll doin?

2005-09-17 [Juvi_Phase3]: nothin

2005-09-17 [The Rejekt]: same here

2005-09-20 [chaza1]: dito

2005-09-20 [The Rejekt]: huh lol

2005-09-25 [chaza1]: so do u think that matt will beat edge in the ladder match or that he will get fired

2005-09-25 [The Rejekt]: i heard Matt was suppose 2 win and Edge was headed 2 SD 2 have a feud wid Batista but then i heard Matt was goin 2 SD

2005-09-25 [The Rejekt]: so u never know!

2005-09-27 [chaza1]: anything could happen

2005-09-30 [The Rejekt]: yea i know but i REALLY hope Matt wins b/c i fuckin hate Edge 2 death!

2005-09-30 [chaza1]: go u

2005-10-02 [The Rejekt]: yea so who do u want 2 win between Edge and Matt?!?

2005-10-06 [chaza1]: well i wanted matt to win but edge won boo hoo

2005-10-06 [The Rejekt]: that was bullshit wat happened b/c Matt had the match won b4 that damn slut Lita got involved!!!

2005-10-06 [chaza1]: i didnt see it but i guess she got what she deserved

2005-10-06 [The Rejekt]: yea now RAW isn't gonna b as good

2005-10-06 [chaza1]: no but he might go to smackdown oh yeah shane mc man was there i LOVE HIM so much!

2005-10-06 [The Rejekt]: yea he is goin 2 SD but i won't b able 2 c SD b/c it comes on satellite

2005-10-06 [chaza1]: oh well u can catch up on the website right?

2005-10-06 [The Rejekt]: i guess but i wanna c it on t.v. though!

2005-10-11 [chaza1]: lol life is a bitch

2005-10-14 [The Rejekt]: he's goin 2 SD now

2005-10-16 [chaza1]: yeah u already said

2005-10-17 [The Rejekt]: it really sux now i can't watch him kick ass

2005-10-17 [chaza1]: i know

2005-10-18 [The Rejekt]: yea

2005-10-21 [chaza1]: ........

2005-10-24 [The Rejekt]: so.... wat's up?

2005-11-04 [chaza1]: it was my b-day on halloween!

2005-11-04 [The Rejekt]: well happy birthday!!!

2005-11-10 [chaza1]: thanks!!...

2005-11-12 [The Rejekt]: np

2005-11-12 [chaza1]: .. so what u been up 2 2day?

2005-11-13 [The Rejekt]: sittin here u?

2005-11-15 [chaza1]: EDDIE GUERRERO IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was found dead in his hotel. RIP eddie you will never be forgoten

2005-11-19 [The Rejekt]: yes RIP Eddie we will never forget u

2005-11-21 [chaza1]: ... also i would like to say RIP to jhonathon and david i died in a fire on the 21st of nov 2005 RIP my friends xx

2005-11-22 [The Rejekt]: i'm srry 2 hear that

2005-11-22 [chaza1]: so am i but things can only get better

2005-11-22 [The Rejekt]: not 4 me

2005-11-22 [chaza1]: really????

2005-11-22 [The Rejekt]: yea

2005-11-22 [chaza1]: come on then spill.... if u dont mind or if ud rather nt

2005-11-22 [The Rejekt]: well after the news bout Eddie i tried 2 wrestle in a Eddie Guerrero Memorial Show @ my friends house and i came REALLY close 2 breakin my neck

2005-11-22 [chaza1]: lol wot a way 2 go rock on

2005-11-22 [The Rejekt]: yea

2005-11-22 [chaza1]: lol

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